Thursday, July 30, 2015

Free Ubersuggest Keyword Suggestion Tool

Ubersuggest is a free keyword suggestion tool that helps you to get lots of keyword ideas from real user queries for your blog article.It will also help you to discover long tail keywords research. Prior to we move to how to use it, let’s see how it is used.

At first, go to Ubersuggest and enter your term on query text field. For instance, I am going to do keyword research for the post sites to find graphic designing course hyderabad. I put the keyword ‘ graphic designing course hyderabad ’ on the query field and select the language. And click to ‘ Suggest ’.

Free Keyword Suggestion Tool Google

Free Keyword Suggestion Tool Google

Whenever we type something on Google search interface, we receive some suggestions automatically that perhaps we might want to search for. It’s very helpful for users to get their queries easily.

We, the bloggers, can use this to find out what actually people are search for. This is called keywords research. If you have been blogging for a while, then you should be well-known with the concept of keywords research.

I always do Google on the spot Search to find perfect keywords for my post.

Wednesday, July 29, 2015

SEO Mofo - Google SERP Snippet Optimization Tool

This SEO mofo tool replicates the appearance of a snippet in Google SERPs, which allows SEOs to optimize a page title and description for maximum click-through rate.

This tool simulates Google's search engine results pages - SERPs. Use the form below to enter the pages title, pages meta description, and URL of your web page, and this tool will generate a near search result listing based on your input.